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OpenGadda: {
author: "Carlo Emilio Gadda";
birth: "14th November 1893";
death: "21st May 1973"

The project

Learn More About The Project

OpenGadda is a project that aims to celebrate the Italian writer, Carlo Emilio Gadda through the production of a final thick digital net of information around the figure of the author.

The Archives:

Carlo Emilio Gadda, who defined himself as an archivomane, showcased a clear interest for the archival activity all throughout his life, and after his death his cultural inheritance was divided among different cities, archives, and funds.

The project as said above, aims to give the user the possibility to browse the whole of Gadda’s work with just a click, offering new tools and new learning paths through the employment of a direct visualization of the data found in the archives.

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The Library:

The case of Gadda’s library is particularly problematic cause of the complexity of its corpus and the fact that, due to his wondrous life, the volumes are scattered in different funds and private libraries.

Despite its relatively small size, around 3.000 volumes , it perfectly reflects the nature and personality of the author and helps us follow him through his life, not only on a physical level but also on an intellectual one.

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Archives to browse into Gadda's work

Books are contained in Gadda's library, scattered through four different conservational funds.

Databases created through data extraction process

Visualizations that display the data in a straightforward way

The website

Learn More About The Website

Specifically, the project focuses on the author’s archives and library, offering the opportunity to both browse through them in the section Database and to visualize the data extracted in Visualizations.


With OpenGadda users can immerge themselves in the full experience of the writer’s library and the archives, through browsing the page Databases.

The two databses aren't only browsable through an array of different searching tools, but also they are interconnected in a way that will assure the user the possibility to actively create his own journey and path throughout the experience of the website.


Instead, in the page, Visualizations, the user is brought to further research in Gadda's own personality and work, through the employment of storytelling to indagate further in the data and information extracted from what he left behind.

The visualizations offer the users the possibility to not only see the data behind the writer's work, but also to make new discoveries through the employment of different visualization tools


Our Team

We worked as a team to offer a complete connection between the library and the archives to our users.

Martina Pensalfini

Digital Transmedial Archive

Eleonora Pasquale

Digital Authorial Library